Я думаю о написании небольшой текстовой приключенческой игры, но я не совсем уверен, как я должен проектировать мир с технической точки зрения.
Моя первая мысль - сделать это в XML, разработав что-то вроде следующего. Извиняюсь за огромную кучу XML, но я чувствовал, что важно полностью объяснить, что я делаю.
<!-- start in kitchen with empty inventory -->
<description>A small kitchen that looks like it hasn't been used in a while. It has a table in the middle, and there are some cupboards. There is a door to the north, which leads to the garden.</description>
<!-- IDs of the objects the room contains -->
<description>The garden is wild and full of prickly bushes. To the north there is a path, which leads into the trees. To the south there is a house.</description>
<description>The woods are quite dark, with little light bleeding in from the garden. It is eerily quiet.</description>
a door isn't necessarily a door.
each door has a type, i.e. "There is a <type> leading to..."
from and to are references the rooms that this door joins.
direction specifies the direction (N,S,E,W,Up,Down) from <from> to <to>
<!-- variables set by actions -->
<variable name="cupboard_open">0</variable>
<!-- definitions for objects -->
<!-- any actions not defined will show the default failure message -->
<message>The trees are tall and thick. There aren't any low branches, so it'd be difficult to climb them.</message>
<!-- requirements make the command only work when they are met -->
<!-- equivilent of "if(cupboard_open == 1)" -->
<require operation="equal" value="1">cupboard_open</require>
<!-- fail message is the message displayed when the requirements aren't met -->
<failMessage>The cupboard is closed.</failMessage>
<message>The cupboard contains some batteires.</message>
<require operation="equal" value="0">cupboard_open</require>
<failMessage>The cupboard is already open.</failMessage>
<message>You open the cupboard. It contains some batteries.</message>
<!-- assigns is a list of operations performed on variables when the action succeeds -->
<assign operation="set" value="1">cupboard_open</assign>
<require operation="equal" value="1">cupboard_open</require>
<failMessage>The cupboard is already closed.</failMessage>
<message>You closed the cupboard./message>
<assign operation="set" value="0">cupboard_open</assign>
<!-- by setting inventory to non-zero, we can put it in our bag -->
<require operation="equal" value="1">cupboard_open</require>
<!-- failMessage isn't required here, it'll just show the usual "You can't see any <blank>." message -->
<message>You picked up the batteries.</message>
Очевидно, должно быть что-то большее, чем это. Взаимодействие с людьми и врагами, а также смерть и завершение являются необходимыми дополнениями. Поскольку с XML довольно сложно работать, я бы, вероятно, создал какой-то мировой редактор.
Я хотел бы знать, есть ли у этого метода какие-либо недостатки, и есть ли «лучший» или более стандартный способ сделать это.