Автоковариантность процесса ARMA (2,1) - вывод аналитической модели для


Мне нужно вывести аналитические выражения для автоковариантной функции γ(k) процесса ARMA (2,1), обозначенного как:


Итак, я знаю, что:


так что я могу написать:


затем, чтобы вывести аналитическую версию автоковариантной функции, мне нужно подставить значения - 0, 1, 2 ..., пока я не получу рекурсию, которая действительна для всех k, превышающих некоторое целое число.kk

Поэтому я подставляю и прорабатываю это, чтобы получить:k=0


Теперь я могу упростить первые два из этих терминов, а затем заменить как и раньше:yt


Затем я умножаю восемь слагаемых:


So, I am left needing to resolve the four remaining terms. I want to use the same logic for lines 1, 2, 5 and 6 as I used on lines 4 and 7 - for example for line 1:

θ1ϕ1E[ϵt1yt1]=θ1ϕ1E[ϵt1]E[yt1]=0 because E[ϵt1]=0.

Similarly for lines 2, 5 and 6. But I have a model solution that suggests the expression for γ(0) simplifies to:


This suggests my simplification as described above would miss the term with the coefficient ϕ1 - which under my logic should be 0. Is my logic at fault, or is the model solution I found incorrect?

The worked solution also suggest that "analogously" γ(1) can be found as:


and for k>1:


I hope the question is clear. Any assistance will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

This is a question related to my research, and is not in preparation for any exam or coursework.



If the ARMA process is causal there is a general formula that provides the autocovariance coefficients.

Consider the causal ARMA(p,q) process

where ϵt is a white noise with mean zero and variance σϵ2. By the causality property, the process can be written as
where ψj denotes the ψ-weights.

The general homogeneous equation for the autocovariance coefficients of a causal ARMA(p,q) process is

with initial conditions


Your calculation mistake in your original question lies in


You cannot separate the expectation E[ϵt1yt1] - ϵt1 and yt1 are not independent.

As you can see from my update (below) I realised this soon after completing the post - but many thanks for your help!


OK. So the process of writing the post actually pointed me to the solution.

Consider the Expectation terms 1, 2, 5 and 6 from above that I thought should be 0.

Immediately for terms 5 - E[ϵtyt1] - and 6 - E[ϵtyt2]: these terms are definitely zero, because yt1 and yt2 are independent of ϵt and E[ϵt]=0.

However, terms 1 and 2 look as though the Expectation is of two correlated variables. So, consider the expressions for yt1 and yt2 thus:


And recall term 1 - ϕ1θ1E[ϵt1yt1]. If we multiply both sides of the expression for yt1 by ϵt1 and then take Expectations, it is clear that all terms on the right hand side except the last become zero (because the values of yt2, yt3, and ϵt2 are independent of ϵt1 and E[ϵt1]=0) to give:


So term 1 becomes +ϕ1θ1σϵ2. For term 2, it should be clear that, by the same logic, all terms are zero.

Hence the original model answer was correct.

However, if anyone can suggest an alternative way to obtain a general (even if messy) solution, I would be very pleased to hear it!

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