Добавлен пример, чтобы понять использование __ в python. Вот список всех __
Определенные классы идентификаторов (помимо ключевых слов) имеют особое значение. Любое использование имен * в любом другом контексте, которое не следует явно задокументированному использованию, может быть прервано без предупреждения
Ограничение доступа с помощью __
- Contain only (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
- Start with a lowercase letter or _.
- Single leading _ : private
- Double leading __ : strong private
- Start & End __ : Language defined Special Name of Object/ Method
- Class names start with an uppercase letter.
class BankAccount(object):
def __init__(self, name, money, password):
self.name = name # Public
self._money = money # Private : Package Level
self.__password = password # Super Private
def earn_money(self, amount):
self._money += amount
print("Salary Received: ", amount, " Updated Balance is: ", self._money)
def withdraw_money(self, amount):
self._money -= amount
print("Money Withdraw: ", amount, " Updated Balance is: ", self._money)
def show_balance(self):
print(" Current Balance is: ", self._money)
account = BankAccount("Hitesh", 1000, "PWD") # Object Initalization
# Method Call
# Show Balance
print("PUBLIC ACCESS:", account.name) # Public Access
# account._money is accessible because it is only hidden by convention
print("PROTECTED ACCESS:", account._money) # Protected Access
# account.__password will throw error but account._BankAccount__password will not
# because __password is super private
print("PRIVATE ACCESS:", account._BankAccount__password)
# Method Call
# Show Balance
# account._money is accessible because it is only hidden by convention
print(account._money) # Protected Access