Как расшифровать изображение QR-кода в (желательно чистом) Python?


TL; DR : мне нужен способ декодирования QR-кода из файла изображения с использованием (предпочтительно чистого) Python.

У меня есть файл jpg с QR-кодом, который я хочу декодировать с помощью Python. Я нашел пару библиотек, которые утверждают, что это делают:

PyQRCode ( веб-сайт здесь ), который предположительно может декодировать qr-коды из изображений, просто указав такой путь:

import sys, qrcode
d = qrcode.Decoder()
if d.decode('out.png'):
    print 'result: ' + d.result
    print 'error: ' + d.error

So I simply installed it using sudo pip install pyqrcode. The thing I find strange about the example code above however, is that it only imports qrcode (and not pyqrcode though) Since I think qrcode refers to this library which can only generate qr-code images it kind of confused me. So I tried the code above with both pyqrcode and qrcode, but both fail at the second line saying AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Decoder'. Furthermore, the website refers to Ubuntu 8.10 (which came out more than 6 years ago) and I can't find a public (git or other) repository of it to check the latest commit. So I moved on to the next library:

ZBar (website here) claims to be "an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, such as image files." So I tried installing it on Mac OSX running sudo pip install zbar. This fails with error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1. I tried to suggestions in the answers to this SO question, but I can't seem to solve it. So I decided to move on again:

QRTools, which according to this blogpost can decode images easily by using the following code:

from qrtools import QR
myCode = QR(filename=u"/home/psutton/Documents/Python/qrcodes/qrcode.png")
if myCode.decode():
  print myCode.data
  print myCode.data_type
  print myCode.data_to_string()

So I tried installing it using sudo pip install qrtools, which can't find anything. I also tried it with python-qrtools, qr-tools, python-qrtools and a couple more combinations, but unfortunately to no avail. I suppose it refers to this repo which says it is based on ZBar (see above). Although I want to run my code on Heroku (and thus prefer a pure Python solution) I successfully installed it on a Linux box (with sudo apt-get install python-qrtools) and tried running it:

from qrtools import QR
c = QR(filename='/home/kramer65/qrcode.jpg')
c.data  # prints u'NULL'
c.data_type  # prints u'text'
c.data_to_string()  # prints '\xef\xbb\xbfNULL' where I expect an int (being `1234567890`)

Although this seems to decode it, It doesn't seem to do it correctly. It furthermore needs ZBar and is thus not pure Python. So I decided to find yet another library.

PyXing (website here) is supposedly a Python port of the popular Java ZXing library, but the initial and only commit is 6 years old and the project has no readme or documentation whatsoever.

For the rest I found a couple qr-encoders (not decoders) and some API endpoints which can decode for you. Since I don't like this service to be dependent on other API endpoints I would want to keep the decoding local though.

So to conclude; would anybody know how I can decode QR-codes from images in (preferable pure) Python? All tips are welcome!

It should be: 'if myCode.decode("/home/kramer65/qrcode.jpg")' and not 'QR(filename='/home/kramer65/qrcode.jpg')'
Dmitry Chichkov

I feel it is worth mentioning a follow-up question posed by @kramer65 about installing zbar with pip: stackoverflow.com/questions/27406641/…



You can try the following steps and code using qrtools:

  • Create a qrcode file, if not already existing

    • I used pyqrcode for doing this, which can be installed using pip install pyqrcode
    • And then use the code:

      >>> import pyqrcode
      >>> qr = pyqrcode.create("HORN O.K. PLEASE.")
      >>> qr.png("horn.png", scale=6)
  • Decode an existing qrcode file using qrtools

    • Install qrtools using sudo apt-get install python-qrtools
    • Now use the following code within your python prompt

      >>> import qrtools
      >>> qr = qrtools.QR()
      >>> qr.decode("horn.png")
      >>> print qr.data
      u'HORN O.K. PLEASE.'

Here is the complete code in a single run:

In [2]: import pyqrcode
In [3]: qr = pyqrcode.create("HORN O.K. PLEASE.")
In [4]: qr.png("horn.png", scale=6)
In [5]: import qrtools
In [6]: qr = qrtools.QR()
In [7]: qr.decode("horn.png")
Out[7]: True
In [8]: print qr.data


  • You might need to install PyPNG using pip install pypng for using pyqrcode
  • In case you have PIL installed, you might get IOError: decoder zip not available. In that case, try uninstalling and reinstalling PIL using:

    pip uninstall PIL
    pip install PIL
  • If that doesn't work, try using Pillow instead

    pip uninstall PIL
    pip install pillow

Hi mu 無, thanks for your answer. Although qrtools requires zbar and is thus not pure python, it does indeed work now. The main problem is now that I need to install the zbar python binding on heroku, about which I asked a question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/27406641/… . I'm going to accept your answer, but I would greatly appreciate if you also have a look at my other question so that I can solve running qrtools on heroku. Thanks a million!

This does not work, gives Exception: tostring() has been removed.
Bhishan Poudel

@BhishanPoudel I encountered this as well. It seems the bug has been fixed and should appear in the next release. For anyone encountering this, you can edit line 181 of /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qrtools.py (location may vary) and replace "tostring" with "tobytes". It's running nicely for me now.

not works. AttributeError: module 'qrtools' has no attribute 'QR'
Saeed Mohtasham

@SaeedMohtasham try from qrtools import qrtools


The following code works fine with me:

brew install zbar
pip install pyqrcode
pip install pyzbar

For QR code image creation:

import pyqrcode
qr = pyqrcode.create("test1")
qr.png("test1.png", scale=6)

For QR code decoding:

from PIL import Image
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
data = decode(Image.open('test1.png'))

that prints the result:

[Decoded(data=b'test1', type='QRCODE', rect=Rect(left=24, top=24, width=126, height=126), polygon=[Point(x=24, y=24), Point(x=24, y=150), Point(x=150, y=150), Point(x=150, y=24)])]

for the above solution to work, u also need to run pip install pypng && pip install image


I'm answering only the part of the question about zbar installation.

I spent nearly half an hour a few hours to make it work on Windows + Python 2.7 64-bit, so here are additional notes to the accepted answer:

PS: Making it work with Python 3.x is even more difficult: Compile zbar for Python 3.x.

PS2: I just tested pyzbar with pip install pyzbar and it's MUCH easier, it works out-of-the-box (the only thing is you need to have VC Redist 2013 files installed). It is also recommended to use this library in this pyimagesearch.com article.


There is a library called BoofCV which claims to better than ZBar and other libraries.
Here are the steps to use that (any OS).


  • Ensure JDK 14+ is installed and set in $PATH
  • pip install pyboof

Class to decode:

import os
import numpy as np
import pyboof as pb

pb.init_memmap() #Optional

class QR_Extractor:
    # Src: github.com/lessthanoptimal/PyBoof/blob/master/examples/qrcode_detect.py
    def __init__(self):
        self.detector = pb.FactoryFiducial(np.uint8).qrcode()
    def extract(self, img_path):
        if not os.path.isfile(img_path):
            print('File not found:', img_path)
            return None
        image = pb.load_single_band(img_path, np.uint8)
        qr_codes = []
        for qr in self.detector.detections:
                'text': qr.message,
                'points': qr.bounds.convert_tuple()
        return qr_codes


qr_scanner = QR_Extractor()
output = qr_scanner.extract('Your-Image.jpg')

Tested and works on Python 3.8 (Windows & Ubuntu)


For Windows using ZBar


To decode:

from PIL import Image
from pyzbar import pyzbar

img = Image.open('My-Image.jpg')
output = pyzbar.decode(img)

Alternatively, you can also try using ZBarLight by setting it up as mentioned here:

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