Моя запись
Ничего особенного, и у меня не было времени, чтобы добавить все мои хорошие идеи.
Но, похоже, играет довольно неплохо. Посмотрим, как это будет на соревнованиях:
(поместите это в файл Missouri.cs
и добавьте в проект.)
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Battleship
// The Empire of Japan surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri on Sept. 2, 1945
public class USSMissouri : IBattleshipOpponent
public String Name { get { return name; } }
public Version Version { get { return ver; } }
#region IBattleship Interface
// IBattleship::NewGame
public void NewGame(Size gameSize, TimeSpan timeSpan)
size = gameSize;
shotBoard = new ShotBoard(size);
attackVector = new Stack<Attack>();
// IBattleship::PlaceShips
public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> ships)
HunterBoard board;
targetBoards = new List<HunterBoard>();
shotBoard = new ShotBoard(size);
foreach (Ship s in ships)
board = new HunterBoard(this, size, s);
// REWRITE: to ensure valid board placement.
new Point(
// IBattleship::GetShot
public Point GetShot()
Point p = new Point();
if (attackVector.Count() > 0)
p = ExtendShot();
return p;
// Contemplate a shot at every-single point, and measure how effective it would be.
Board potential = new Board(size);
for(p.Y=0; p.Y<size.Height; ++p.Y)
for(p.X=0; p.X<size.Width; ++p.X)
if (shotBoard.ShotAt(p))
potential[p] = 0;
foreach(HunterBoard b in targetBoards)
potential[p] += b.GetWeightAt(p);
// Okay, we have the shot potential of the board.
// Lets pick a weighted-random spot.
Point shot;
shot = potential.GetWeightedRandom(rand.NextDouble());
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Unresolved;
return shot;
public Point ExtendShot()
// Lets consider North, South, East, and West of the current shot.
// and measure the potential of each
Attack attack = attackVector.Peek();
Board potential = new Board(size);
Point[] points = attack.GetNextTargets();
foreach(Point p in points)
if (shotBoard.ShotAt(p))
potential[p] = 0;
foreach(HunterBoard b in targetBoards)
potential[p] += b.GetWeightAt(p);
Point shot = potential.GetBestShot();
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Unresolved;
return shot;
// IBattleship::NewMatch
public void NewMatch(string opponent)
public void OpponentShot(Point shot)
public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk)
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Hit;
if (!sunk)
if (attackVector.Count == 0) // This is a first hit, open an attackVector
attackVector.Push(new Attack(this, shot));
attackVector.Peek().AddHit(shot); // Add a hit to our current attack.
// What if it is sunk? Close the top attack, which we've been pursuing.
if (sunk)
if (attackVector.Count > 0)
public void ShotMiss(Point shot)
shotBoard[shot] = Shot.Miss;
foreach(HunterBoard b in targetBoards)
b.ShotMiss(shot); // Update the potential map.
public void GameWon()
Trace.WriteLine ("I won the game!");
public void GameLost()
Trace.WriteLine ("I lost the game!");
public void MatchOver()
Trace.WriteLine("This match is over.");
public ShotBoard theShotBoard
get { return shotBoard; }
public Size theBoardSize
get { return size; }
private Random rand = new Random();
private Version ver = new Version(6, 3); // USS Missouri is BB-63, hence version 6.3
private String name = "USS Missouri (abelenky@alum.mit.edu)";
private Size size;
private List<HunterBoard> targetBoards;
private ShotBoard shotBoard;
private Stack<Attack> attackVector;
// An Attack is the data on the ship we are currently working on sinking.
// It consists of a set of points, horizontal and vertical, from a central point.
// And can be extended in any direction.
public class Attack
public Attack(USSMissouri root, Point p)
Player = root;
hit = p;
horzExtent = new Extent(p.X, p.X);
vertExtent = new Extent(p.Y, p.Y);
public Extent HorizontalExtent
get { return horzExtent; }
public Extent VerticalExtent
get { return vertExtent; }
public Point FirstHit
get { return hit; }
public void AddHit(Point p)
if (hit.X == p.X) // New hit in the vertical direction
vertExtent.Min = Math.Min(vertExtent.Min, p.Y);
vertExtent.Max = Math.Max(vertExtent.Max, p.Y);
else if (hit.Y == p.Y)
horzExtent.Min = Math.Min(horzExtent.Min, p.X);
horzExtent.Max = Math.Max(horzExtent.Max, p.X);
public Point[] GetNextTargets()
List<Point> bors = new List<Point>();
Point p;
p = new Point(hit.X, vertExtent.Min-1);
while (p.Y >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.Y >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None) // Add next-target only if there is no shot here yet.
p = new Point(hit.X, vertExtent.Max+1);
while (p.Y < Player.theBoardSize.Height && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.Y < Player.theBoardSize.Height && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None)
p = new Point(horzExtent.Min-1, hit.Y);
while (p.X >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.X >= 0 && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None)
p = new Point(horzExtent.Max+1, hit.Y);
while (p.X < Player.theBoardSize.Width && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Hit)
if (Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.Miss)
break; // Don't add p to the List 'bors.
if (p.X < Player.theBoardSize.Width && Player.theShotBoard[p] == Shot.None)
return bors.ToArray();
private Point hit;
private Extent horzExtent;
private Extent vertExtent;
private USSMissouri Player;
public struct Extent
public Extent(Int32 min, Int32 max)
Min = min;
Max = max;
public Int32 Min;
public Int32 Max;
public class Board // The potential-Board, which measures the full potential of each square.
// A Board is the status of many things.
public Board(Size boardsize)
size = boardsize;
grid = new int[size.Width , size.Height];
public int this[int c,int r]
get { return grid[c,r]; }
set { grid[c,r] = value; }
public int this[Point p]
get { return grid[p.X, p.Y]; }
set { grid[p.X, p.Y] = value; }
public Point GetWeightedRandom(double r)
Int32 sum = 0;
foreach(Int32 i in grid)
sum += i;
Int32 index = (Int32)(r*sum);
Int32 x=0, y=0;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
if (grid[x,y] == 0) continue; // Skip any zero-cells
index -= grid[x,y];
if (index < 0) break;
if (index < 0) break;
if (x == 10 || y == 10)
throw new Exception("WTF");
return new Point(x,y);
public Point GetBestShot()
int max=grid[0,0];
for(int y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
max = (grid[x,y] > max)? grid[x,y] : max;
for(int y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
if (grid[x,y] == max)
return new Point(x,y);
return new Point(0,0);
public bool IsZero()
foreach(Int32 p in grid)
if (p > 0)
return false;
return true;
public override String ToString()
String output = "";
String horzDiv = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
String disp;
int x,y;
output += " A B C D E F G H I J \n" + horzDiv;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
output += String.Format("{0} ", y+1).PadLeft(3);
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
case (int)Shot.None: disp = ""; break;
case (int)Shot.Hit: disp = "#"; break;
case (int)Shot.Miss: disp = "."; break;
case (int)Shot.Unresolved: disp = "?"; break;
default: disp = "!"; break;
output += String.Format("| {0} ", disp.PadLeft(2));
output += "|\n" + horzDiv;
return output;
protected Int32[,] grid;
protected Size size;
public class HunterBoard
public HunterBoard(USSMissouri root, Size boardsize, Ship target)
size = boardsize;
grid = new int[size.Width , size.Height];
Player = root;
Target = target;
public void Initialize()
int x, y, i;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for(x=0; x<size.Width - Target.Length+1; ++x)
for(i=0; i<Target.Length; ++i)
for(y=0; y<size.Height-Target.Length+1; ++y)
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
for(i=0; i<Target.Length; ++i)
public int this[int c,int r]
get { return grid[c,r]; }
set { grid[c,r] = value; }
public int this[Point p]
get { return grid[p.X, p.Y]; }
set { grid[p.X, p.Y] = value; }
public void ShotMiss(Point p)
int x,y;
int min, max;
min = Math.Max(p.X-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.X, size.Width-Target.Length);
for(x=min; x<=max; ++x)
DecrementRow(p.Y, x, x+Target.Length-1);
min = Math.Max(p.Y-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.Y, size.Height-Target.Length);
for(y=min; y<=max; ++y)
DecrementColumn(p.X, y, y+Target.Length-1);
grid[p.X, p.Y] = 0;
public void ShotHit(Point p)
public override String ToString()
String output = String.Format("Target size is {0}\n", Target.Length);
String horzDiv = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
int x,y;
output += " A B C D E F G H I J \n" + horzDiv;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
output += String.Format("{0} ", y+1).PadLeft(3);
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
output += String.Format("| {0} ", grid[x,y].ToString().PadLeft(2));
output += "|\n" + horzDiv;
return output;
// If we shoot at point P, how does that affect the potential of the board?
public Int32 GetWeightAt(Point p)
int x,y;
int potential = 0;
int min, max;
min = Math.Max(p.X-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.X, size.Width-Target.Length);
for(x=min; x<=max; ++x)
if (Player.theShotBoard.isMissInRow(p.Y, x, x+Target.Length-1) == false)
min = Math.Max(p.Y-Target.Length+1, 0);
max = Math.Min(p.Y, size.Height-Target.Length);
for(y=min; y<=max; ++y)
if (Player.theShotBoard.isMissInColumn(p.X, y, y+Target.Length-1) == false)
return potential;
public void DecrementRow(int row, int rangeA, int rangeB)
int x;
for(x=rangeA; x<=rangeB; ++x)
grid[x,row] = (grid[x,row]==0)? 0 : grid[x,row]-1;
public void DecrementColumn(int col, int rangeA, int rangeB)
int y;
for(y=rangeA; y<=rangeB; ++y)
grid[col,y] = (grid[col,y]==0)? 0 : grid[col,y]-1;
private Ship Target = null;
private USSMissouri Player;
private Int32[,] grid;
private Size size;
public enum Shot
None = 0,
Hit = 1,
Miss = 2,
Unresolved = 3
public class ShotBoard
public ShotBoard(Size boardsize)
size = boardsize;
grid = new Shot[size.Width , size.Height];
for(int y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
for(int x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
grid[x,y] = Shot.None;
public Shot this[int c,int r]
get { return grid[c,r]; }
set { grid[c,r] = value; }
public Shot this[Point p]
get { return grid[p.X, p.Y]; }
set { grid[p.X, p.Y] = value; }
public override String ToString()
String output = "";
String horzDiv = " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
String disp;
int x,y;
output += " A B C D E F G H I J \n" + horzDiv;
for(y=0; y<size.Height; ++y)
output += String.Format("{0} ", y+1).PadLeft(3);
for(x=0; x<size.Width; ++x)
case Shot.None: disp = ""; break;
case Shot.Hit: disp = "#"; break;
case Shot.Miss: disp = "."; break;
case Shot.Unresolved: disp = "?"; break;
default: disp = "!"; break;
output += String.Format("| {0} ", disp.PadLeft(2));
output += "|\n" + horzDiv;
return output;
// Functions to find shots on the board, at a specific point, or in a row or column, within a range
public bool ShotAt(Point p)
return !(this[p]==Shot.None);
public bool isMissInColumn(int col, int rangeA, int rangeB)
for(int y=rangeA; y<=rangeB; ++y)
if (grid[col,y] == Shot.Miss)
return true;
return false;
public bool isMissInRow(int row, int rangeA, int rangeB)
for(int x=rangeA; x<=rangeB; ++x)
if (grid[x,row] == Shot.Miss)
return true;
return false;
protected Shot[,] grid;
protected Size size;