Есть несколько причуд, которые не решаются FieldUtils - в частности, синтетические поля (например, введенные JaCoCo), а также тот факт, что тип перечисления, конечно, имеет поле для каждого экземпляра, и если вы просматриваете граф объекта, получение все поля, а затем получение полей каждого из них и т.д., тогда вы попадете в бесконечный цикл, когда нажмете перечисление. Расширенное решение (и, честно говоря, я уверен, что оно должно находиться где-то в библиотеке!) Будет:
* Return a list containing all declared fields and all inherited fields for the given input
* (but avoiding any quirky enum fields and tool injected fields).
public List<Field> getAllFields(Object input) {
return getFieldsAndInheritedFields(new ArrayList<>(), input.getClass());
private List<Field> getFieldsAndInheritedFields(List<Field> fields, Class<?> inputType) {
return inputType.getSuperclass() == null ? fields : getFieldsAndInheritedFields(fields, inputType.getSuperclass());
* Where the input is NOT an {@link Enum} type then get all declared fields except synthetic fields (ie instrumented
* additional fields). Where the input IS an {@link Enum} type then also skip the fields that are all the
* {@link Enum} instances as this would lead to an infinite loop if the user of this class is traversing
* an object graph.
private List<Field> getFilteredDeclaredFields(Class<?> inputType) {
return Arrays.asList(inputType.getDeclaredFields()).stream()
.filter(field -> !isAnEnum(inputType) ||
(isAnEnum(inputType) && !isSameType(field, inputType)))
.filter(field -> !field.isSynthetic())
private boolean isAnEnum(Class<?> type) {
return Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
private boolean isSameType(Field input, Class<?> ownerType) {
return input.getType().equals(ownerType);
Тестовый класс в Spock (а Groovy добавляет синтетические поля):
class ReflectionUtilsSpec extends Specification {
def "declared fields only"() {
given: "an instance of a class that does not inherit any fields"
def instance = new Superclass()
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class are returned"
result.size() == 1
result.findAll { it.name in ['superThing'] }.size() == 1
def "inherited fields"() {
given: "an instance of a class that inherits fields"
def instance = new Subclass()
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class and its superclasses are returned"
result.size() == 2
result.findAll { it.name in ['subThing', 'superThing'] }.size() == 2
def "no fields"() {
given: "an instance of a class with no declared or inherited fields"
def instance = new SuperDooperclass()
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class and its superclasses are returned"
result.size() == 0
def "enum"() {
given: "an instance of an enum"
def instance = Item.BIT
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class and its superclasses are returned"
result.size() == 3
result.findAll { it.name == 'smallerItem' }.size() == 1
private class SuperDooperclass {
private class Superclass extends SuperDooperclass {
private String superThing
private class Subclass extends Superclass {
private String subThing
private enum Item {
BIT("quark"), BOB("muon")
Item(String smallerItem) {
this.smallerItem = smallerItem
private String smallerItem