Родительский, 658 байт
Сейчас работает только для всех заглавных букв без пробелов, используя эту модифицированную версию скрипта, так что он поддерживает чтение из stdin:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import izip
import copy
import operator
import os
import sys
# map from paren strings to english names
# for the predefined symbols (lambda, etc)
to_english = defaultdict(lambda:None,\
{'()': 'lambda',
'()()': 'define',
'(())': 'plus',
'(()())': 'minus',
'()(())': 'mult',
'(())()': 'div',
'()()()': 'if',
'((()))': 'empty',
'()()()()': 'charsof',
'()()(())': 'reverse',
'()(())()': 'LE',
'()(()())': 'not',
'(()())()': 'intofchar',
'()((()))': 'readline',
'((()))()': 'cons',
'(())(())': 'equal',
'((()))(())': 'car',
'((()))()()': 'cdr',
'(())(())()': 'char',
'(())()(())': 'string'})
# map from english to parenthetic
to_scheme = defaultdict(lambda:None)
for k,v in to_english.iteritems():
to_scheme[v] = k
def Error(errorString = 'unmatched parens', debug_mode = True):
if debug_mode:
print "Error: " + errorString
raise Exception('paren mismatch')
def bracketsMatch(chars):
"""Returns False if any parentheses in `chars` are not matched
properly. Returns True otherwise.
level = 0
for p in chars:
if p == '(':
level += 1
elif p == ')':
level -= 1
if level < 0:
return False
return level == 0
def get_exprs(chars):
"""Returns a list of character sequences such that for each sequence,
the first and last parenthesis match.
For example, "(())()()" would be split into ["(())", "()", "()"]
level = 0
current = []
for p in chars:
if p == '(' or p == ')':
if p == '(':
level += 1
elif p == ')':
level -= 1
if level == 0:
yield current
current = []
## built-in functions ##
def builtin_accumulate(init, accumulate, environment, params):
"""Helper function that handles common logic for builtin functions.
Given an initial value, and a two-parameter function, the environment, and
a list of params to reduce, this function will reduce [init] + params using
the accumulate function and finally returns the resulting value.
result = init
for param in params:
value = interpret(param, environment)
try: result = accumulate(result, value)
except: Error(str(value) + ' is not the correct type')
return result
def builtin_plus(environment, params):
if len(params) >= 1:
return builtin_accumulate(interpret(params[0], environment), operator.add, environment, params[1:])
return 0.0
def builtin_minus(environment, params):
if len(params) == 0:
Error('subtraction requires at least 1 param')
return builtin_accumulate(interpret(params[0], environment), operator.sub, environment, params[1:])
def builtin_mult(environment, params):
return builtin_accumulate(1.0, operator.mul, environment, params)
def builtin_div(environment, params):
if len(params) == 0:
Error('division requires at least 1 param')
return builtin_accumulate(interpret(params[0], environment), operator.div, environment, params[1:])
def builtin_LE(environment, params):
return interpret(params[0], environment) <= interpret(params[1], environment)
def builtin_lambda(environment, params):
bodies = [body for body in params[1:]]
params = params[0][1]
if len(bodies) == 0:
Error("a function had no body")
for kind, name in params:
if kind != 'symbol':
Error('lambda must have only symbols as arguments')
def ret(old_environment, arguments):
#print bodies
# create new environment based on args
environment = copy.copy(old_environment)
for param, arg in izip(params, arguments):
environment[param[1]] = interpret(arg, old_environment)
# evaluate the function bodies using the new environment
return interpret_trees(bodies, environment, False)
Error("Error evaluating a function")
return ret
def builtin_equal(environment, params):
for param1, param2 in izip(params[:-1], params[1:]):
if interpret(param1, environment) != interpret(param2, environment):
return False
return True
def builtin_if(environment, params):
if len(params) != 3:
Error("'if' takes in exactly 3 params")
if interpret(params[0], environment):
return interpret(params[1], environment)
return interpret(params[2], environment)
def builtin_not(environment, params):
return False if interpret(params[0], environment) else True
def builtin_cons(environment, params):
return (interpret(params[0], environment), interpret(params[1], environment))
def builtin_car(environment, params):
result = interpret(params[0], environment)
if not isinstance(result, tuple):
Error("car must only be called on tuples")
return result[0]
def builtin_cdr(environment, params):
result = interpret(params[0], environment)
if not isinstance(result, tuple):
Error("cdr must only be called on tuples")
return result[1]
def builtin_char(environment, params):
result = interpret(params[0], environment)
if result != int(result):
Error("char must only be called on integers")
return chr(int(result))
def builtin_intofchar(environment, params):
result = interpret(params[0], environment)
result = ord(result)
return result
def builtin_string(environment, params):
result = ''
cur = interpret(params[0], environment)
while cur != ():
if not isinstance(cur, tuple) or not isinstance(cur[1], tuple):
Error("string only works on linked lists")
result += cur[0]
cur = cur[1]
return result
def unmakelinked(llist):
result = ()
while llist != ():
if not isinstance(llist, tuple) or not isinstance(llist[1], tuple):
Error("only works on linked lists")
result += (llist[0],)
llist = llist[1]
return result
def makelinked(tup):
result = ()
while tup != ():
result = (tup[-1],result)
tup = tup[:-1]
return result
def builtin_reverse(environment, params):
result = interpret(params[0], environment)
result = makelinked(unmakelinked(result)[::-1])
return result
def builtin_charsof(environment, params):
result = interpret(params[0], environment)
result = makelinked(tuple(result))
return result
def builtin_readline(environment, params):
result = raw_input()
return result
# define the default (top-level) scope
default_environment = \
{to_scheme['plus']: builtin_plus,
to_scheme['minus']: builtin_minus,
to_scheme['mult']: builtin_mult,
to_scheme['div']: builtin_div,
to_scheme['lambda']: builtin_lambda,
to_scheme['if']: builtin_if,
to_scheme['equal']: builtin_equal,
to_scheme['LE']: builtin_LE,
to_scheme['not']: builtin_not,
to_scheme['empty']: (),
to_scheme['car']: builtin_car,
to_scheme['cdr']: builtin_cdr,
to_scheme['cons']: builtin_cons,
to_scheme['char']: builtin_char,
to_scheme['string']: builtin_string,
to_scheme['readline']: builtin_readline,
to_scheme['charsof']: builtin_charsof,
to_scheme['reverse']: builtin_reverse,
to_scheme['intofchar']: builtin_intofchar}
# parse the tokens into an AST
def parse(tokens):
"""Accepts a list of parentheses and returns a list of ASTs.
Each AST is a pair (type, value).
If type is 'symbol', value will be the paren sequence corresponding
to the symbol.
If type is 'int', value will be a float that is equal to an int.
If type is expr, value will be a list of ASTs.
# check for errors
if not bracketsMatch(tokens):
Error('paren mismatch')
# to return - a list of exprs
exprs = []
for expr in get_exprs(tokens):
# check for errors
if len(expr) < 2:
Error('too few tokens in: ' + ''.join(expr))
elif expr[0] != '(' or expr[-1] != ')':
Error('expression found without () as wrapper')
# pop off starting and ending ()s
expr = expr[1:-1]
# symbol
if expr[:2] == ['(', ')'] and len(expr) > 2:
exprs.append(('symbol', ''.join(expr[2:])))
# integer
elif expr[:4] == ['(', '(', ')', ')'] and len(expr) >= 4:
exprs.append(('num', expr[4:].count('(')))
# expr
exprs.append(('expr', parse(expr)))
return exprs
def interpret(tree, environment):
"""Interpret a single tree (may not be a define) and return the result"""
kind, value = tree
if kind == 'num':
return float(value)
elif kind == 'symbol':
if value in environment:
return environment[value]
Error('Unresolved symbol - ' + value)
elif kind == 'expr':
function = interpret(value[0], environment)
if not hasattr(function, '__call__'):
Error('Symbol "'+value[0]+'" is not a function.')
return function(environment, value[1:])
Error("Unknown tree kind")
def interpret_trees(trees, environment, doprint = True):
"""Interpret a sequence of trees (may contain defines)
and output the result.
The trees passed in should be ASTs as returned by parse().
If doprint is true, the post-interpretation value of each tree is printed.
environment = copy.copy(environment)
# hoist define statements (note: trees.sort is stable)
#trees.sort(key = lambda x: 0 if x[0] == 'expr' and x[1][0][1] == to_scheme['define'] else 1)
ret = None
for tree in trees:
if tree[0] == 'expr' and tree[1][0][0] == 'symbol' and tree[1][0][1] == to_scheme['define']:
symbol = tree[1][1]
if symbol[0] != 'symbol':
Error('first argument to define must be a symbol')
symbol = symbol[1]
value = tree[1][2]
environment[symbol] = interpret(value, environment)
Error('error evaluating define statement')
ret = interpret(tree, environment)
if doprint:
print ret,
return ret
# read in the code ignoring all characters but '(' and ')'
f = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
code = []
for line in f.readlines():
code += [c for c in line if c in '()']
# parse and interpret the code. print 'Parenthesis Mismatch'
# if an error occured.
syntax_trees = parse(code)
interpret_trees(syntax_trees, default_environment)
# print 'Parenthesis Mismatch'
(() ()())
input [[[[]]]]
(() (((()))))
exec readline
( (() ()((()))) )
(() ()())
value of 'A' [[[[]]]] [][][]
(() (((())))()()())
((()) ()()()()()()()()()()
(() ()())
atbash [[[[]]]] []
(() (((())))())
(() ())
list [[[[]]]] [][]
(() (((())))()())
(() ()()())
(() (())(()))
(() (((())))()())
(() ((())))
then return empty
(() ((())))
(() ((()))())
(() (())(())())
(() (()))
value of 'A' 65
(() (((())))()()())
(() (()()))
((()) ()()()()()()()()()()
(() (()()))
(() (()())())
(() ((()))(()))
(() (((())))()())
value of 'A' 65
(() (((())))()()())
(() (((())))())
(() ((()))()())
(() (((())))()())
(() (())(()))
(() ()()(()))
(() ()()()())
(() (((()))))
(() (((())))())
(() ()()()())
(() (((()))))