C++(Bcc), 287 bytes
f(a,b)char*a,**b;{int i,j,k,v,p[256];if(!a||!b||!*b)return-1;for(v=0;v<256&&b[v];++v)p[v]=v;if(v>=256)return-1;la:for(i=0,j=0;j<v&&a[i];){for(k=0;b[p[j]][k]==a[i]&&a[i];++i,++k);j=b[p[j]][k]?(i-=k),j+1:0;}if(a[i]&&next_permutation(p,p+v)) goto la;return i&&!a[i];}
because i do not wrote or used too much the next_permutation() i don't know if is all ok.
I don't know 100% if it is a solution too possibly this is out of quality...
One list of string is here one array of pointers to char; NULL terminated
The algo is easy, there is one algo that linearity try if all string in the list fit with argument "a" string
there is one other algo that permute the index of the list of string so it try all possible combination.
ungolf it, test code and results here
{int i,j,k,v,p[256];
if(!a||!b||!*b) return -1;
for(v=0;v<256&&b[v];++v) p[v]=v;
if(v>=256) return -1; // one array of len >256 is too much
if(a[i]&&next_permutation(p,p+v)) goto la;
return i&&!a[i];
#define F for
#define P printf
test(char* a, char** b)
{int i;
P("\"%s\"%s", b[i], b[i+1]?", ":"");
P("])=%d\n", f(a,b));
{char *a1="Hello, world!", *b1[]={"l","He", "o, worl", "d!", 0};//1
char *a2="la lal al ", *b2[]={"la", " l", "al ", 0};//1
char *a3="this is a string", *b3[]={"this should return falsy", 0};//0
char *a4="thi is a string", *b4[]={"this", "i i", " a", " string", 0};//0
char *a5="aaaaa", *b5[]={"aa", 0};//0
char *a6="foo bar foobar", *b6[]={"foo","bar"," ","spam", 0};//1
char *a7="ababab", *b7[]={"a","ba","ab", 0};//1
char *a8="", *b8[]={"This return 0 even if has to return 1", 0};//0
char *a9="ababc", *b9[]={"a","abc", "b", 0};//1
f("Hello, world!",["l", "He", "o, worl", "d!"])=1
f("la lal al ",["la", " l", "al "])=1
f("this is a string",["this should return falsy"])=0
f("thi is a string",["this", "i i", " a", " string"])=0
f("foo bar foobar",["foo", "bar", " ", "spam"])=1
f("ababab",["a", "ba", "ab"])=1
f("",["This return 0 even if has to return 1"])=0
f("ababc",["a", "abc", "b"])=1
this would compile in gcc C++ compiler
int f(char*a,char**b){int i,j,k,v,p[256];if(!a||!b||!*b)return -1;for(v=0;v<256&&b[v];++v)p[v]=v;if(v>=256)return -1;la:;for(i=0,j=0;j<v&&a[i];){for(k=0;b[p[j]][k]==a[i]&&a[i];++i,++k);j=b[p[j]][k]?(i-=k),j+1:0;}if(a[i]&&std::next_permutation(p,p+v))goto la;return i&&!a[i];}