В настоящее время я пытаюсь установить Mountain Lion, и все шло нормально, пока не пришло время перезагрузки.
Сначала я попытался перезагрузить компьютер, затем он сказал, что мне нужно закрыть приложения, поэтому я нажал кнопку, чтобы закрыть приложения, и он завис на несколько минут, после чего произошел сбой установщика, поэтому я снова запустил установщик, так как он не перезапустился сам по себе после нажатия кнопки «Перезапустить приложение».
Установщик сразу же дал мне кнопку перезагрузки, так как я предполагал, что процесс кэширования файла завершен. Теперь, всякий раз, когда я нажимаю кнопку перезагрузки, он просто перезапускает мой MacBook, и установщик никогда не запускается. Я делал это примерно 4-5 раз, и теперь каждый раз происходит одно и то же.
Я не уверен, есть ли поврежденные файлы в кэше установщика или он посылает неправильное сообщение о перезагрузке, но я не смог установить его так или иначе. есть идеи?
сделал ремонт диска и восстановление разрешений и отключил хранилище файлов по-прежнему имеют те же проблемы
журнал установки после сбоя установки
Jul 28 04:00:04 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: opendirectoryd (build 197.11.16) launched - installer mode
Jul 28 04:00:04 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Logging level limit changed to 'notice'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Initialize trigger support
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: created endpoint for mach service 'com.apple.private.opendirectoryd.rpc' with work limit 10
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: set default handler for RPC 'reset_cache'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: set default handler for RPC 'reset_statistics'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: set default handler for RPC 'show'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: starting endpoint for service 'com.apple.private.opendirectoryd.rpc'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: no dynamic data found at '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Configure.plist'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registered node with name '/Configure' as hidden
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: no dynamic data found at '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Local.plist'
Jul 28 04:00:05 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registered node with name '/Local' as hidden
Jul 28 04:00:09 localhost Unknown[312]: kern.boottime: { sec = 1343473200, usec = 0 } Sat Jul 28 04:00:00 2012
Jul 28 04:00:09 localhost Unknown[320]: Launching the Language Chooser for an OS Install
Jul 28 04:00:16 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:16.231 LCA[321:707] NSSoftLinking - The Librarian framework's library couldn't be loaded from (null).
Jul 28 04:00:16 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:16.233 LCA[321:707] NSSoftLinking - The function 'LBCurrentProcessHasUbiquityContainer' can't be found in the Librarian framework.
Jul 28 04:00:16 localhost configd[112]: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
Jul 28 04:00:16 localhost configd[112]: DHCP en1: INIT transmit failed
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:19.578 LCA[321:707] LCA+BT2: systemHasBluetooth entry
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:19.579 LCA[321:707] LCA+BT2: [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName] LCA
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:19.579 LCA[321:707] LCA+BT2: systemHasBluetooth exit - controller = 0x7f88bc856050
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost LCA[321]: Using keyboard layout 0
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Jul 28 04:00:19 localhost LCA[321]: Found primary language hint "en"
Jul 28 04:00:20 localhost LCA[321]: Using keyboard layout 0
Jul 28 04:00:20 localhost LCA[321]: Found primary language hint "en"
Jul 28 04:00:20 localhost LCA[321]: Using keyboard layout 0
Jul 28 04:00:20 localhost LCA[321]: Found primary language hint "en"
Jul 28 04:00:20 localhost LCA[321]: Launching the Installer using language code "English"
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:21.159 OS X Installer[345:707] NSSoftLinking - The Librarian framework's library couldn't be loaded from (null).
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:21.160 OS X Installer[345:707] NSSoftLinking - The function 'LBCurrentProcessHasUbiquityContainer' can't be found in the Librarian framework.
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: OS X Installer application started
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: 1 display(s) found.
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Display[1] is NOT using OpenGL acceleration.
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install PROJECT:Install-729
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: @(#)PROGRAM:OS X Installer PROJECT:OSInstaller-419
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Hardware: MacBookPro8,2 @ 2.00 GHz (x 8), 4096 MB RAM
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.8 (12A269)
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: DYLD_NO_FIX_PREBINDING=1
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x0:0:0
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: PWD=/
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: SHLVL=1
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: __OSINSTALL_ENVIRONMENT=1
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: CI_DEFAULT_OPENCL_USAGE=0
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: OS_INSTALL=1
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Env: _=/System/Installation/CDIS/LCA.app/Contents/MacOS/LCA
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Using product PKSecureNetEnabledProduct <file://localhost/Volumes/Mac%20OSX/OS%20X%20Install%20Data/> at distance 5
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Ignoring stale automation file /Volumes/Mac OSX/OS X Install Data/minstallconfig.xml (time since IA = 88810.853148)
Jul 28 04:00:21 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Couldn't find OS X (Server) install data.
Jul 28 04:00:23 localhost configd[112]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
Jul 28 04:00:25 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:25.920 OS X Installer[345:707] *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
Jul 28 04:00:25 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Can not connect to /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.socket: No such file or directory
Jul 28 04:00:26 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Jul 28 04:00:26 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Jul 28 04:00:26 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Jul 28 04:00:26 localhost Unknown[322]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00 OS X Installer[345] (CarbonCore.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Connection to NetworkBrowserAgent became invalid
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Connection to NetworkBrowserAgent became invalid
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Connection to NetworkBrowserAgent became invalid
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (docs) while running as uid 0
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (docs) while running as uid 0
Jul 28 04:00:52 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:52.417 OS X Installer[345:707] Invalid URL passed to an open/save panel: '(null)'. Using 'file://localhost/' instead.
Jul 28 04:00:54 localhost Unknown[322]: 2012-07-28 04:00:54.870 OS X Installer[345:707] *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:operation:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1 - ODNodeCreateWithNameAndOptions request, SessionID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Name: /Local/Default, Options: 0x0
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1 - loading configuration for '/Local' from '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Configurations/Local.plist'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/PlistFile.bundle'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1 - unable to find authentication module 'ConfigurationProfiles'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1 - unable to find service discovery callback for module 'PlistFile'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for network changes
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registered subnode with name '/Local/Default'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 101.3 - Block: nodestate '/Local'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1.2 - Block: nodestate '/Local/Default'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: failed to open local node for internal record copy
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for power changes
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 101.3 - nodestate - flagging '/Local' online
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 101.3 - Block completed
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for network power changes
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1.2, Module: PlistFile - Node is 10.7 or later
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1.2 - nodestate - flagging '/Local/Default' online
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1.2 - Block completed
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1, Node: /Local/Default - node assigned UUID - E85B297F-543A-4F72-8203-74E9FC90D411
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.1, Node: /Local/Default - ODNodeCreateWithNameAndOptions completed
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.4 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.4 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: E85B297F-543A-4F72-8203-74E9FC90D411, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: EqualTo, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): SharePoints, Requested Attributes: dsAttributesAll, Max Results: 1
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.5 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.5 - ODNodeCreateRecord request, NodeID: E85B297F-543A-4F72-8203-74E9FC90D411, RecordType: dsRecTypeNative:config, RecordName: SharePoints, Attributes: <none>
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODNodeCreateRecord completed, delivered 1 result
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.6 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.6 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: E85B297F-543A-4F72-8203-74E9FC90D411, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: Any, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): dsRecordsAll, Requested Attributes: dsAttrTypeStandard:GeneratedUID,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_name,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_account_uuid,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_createmask,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_version,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaNodeLocation,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_shared,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordType,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_name,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_oplocks,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_owner,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_directorymask,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_privs,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_inherit_permissions,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaRecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:directory_path,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_strictlocking,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_group_id,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_name, Max Results: 2147483647
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.6, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.6, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.6, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - flushing record '/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/config/SharePoints'
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Module: PlistFile - ___index_record_block_invoke_0: sqlite3_prepare_v2: 21
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Module: PlistFile - ___index_record_block_invoke_0: sqlite3_prepare_v2: 21
Jul 28 04:01:03 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 323.6, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Jul 28 04:01:07 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Connection to NetworkBrowserAgent became invalid
Jul 28 04:01:07 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Connection to NetworkBrowserAgent became invalid
Jul 28 04:01:07 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Connection to NetworkBrowserAgent became invalid
Jul 28 04:01:07 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (docs) while running as uid 0
Jul 28 04:01:07 localhost OSInstaller[345]: Folder Manager is being asked to create a folder (docs) while running as uid 0